Sunday, October 26, 2008

Useful Information about the Cantabria

Cantabria belongs to the Green Spain, the name given to the strip of land between the Cantabrian Sea and the Cantabrian Mountains in northern Spain.
Its called green because it has a wet and moderate oceanic climate.
The average precipitation is about 1,200 mm, this allows the vegetation to grow.

Cantabria Grasslands are known as Temperate Grasslands. It is dominated by grasses with a few trees and shrubs. they are usually found in the mid latitudes like South Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South of America. Temperate Grasslands are usually fertile with valuable farming environments.

Fast Fact #3: Cantabria is the Richest Region in the World.
Fast Fact #4: Grasslands are also called Greenswards.

Right now in Spain it is 11 degrees with rain.

I can hear the grass moving and the birds chirping.

It is amazing here!!

I wish i could stay for longer but I have to leave tonight.

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